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  • 资源简介:手绘贴图-半写实游戏角色《黄金美女骑士》全流程制作(纯英文无中文字幕)
  • 详细描述


    Project Files
    0 Trailer.mp4
    1. Introduction to Workpiece.mp4
    10.1 Mass Cleaning and Glazing Techniques Part 1.mp4
    10.2 Mass Cleaning and Glazing Techniques Part 2.mp4
    10.3 Mass Cleaning and Glazing Techniques Part 3.mp4
    10.4 Mass Cleaning and Glazing Techniques Part 4.mp4
    11.1 Mapping for Clothes analyzing Part 1.mp4
    11.2 Mapping for Clothes analyzing Part 2.mp4
    12.1 Mapping for Armor and Weapons analyzing Part 1.mp4
    12.2 Mapping for Armor and Weapons analyzing Part 2.mp4
    13.1 Mapping for Face and Hair analyzing Part 1.mp4
    13.2 Mapping for Face and Hair analyzing Part 2.mp4
    14.1 Detailed clothing mapping Part 1.mp4
    14.2 Detailed clothing mapping Part 2.mp4
    14.3 Detailed clothing mapping Part 3.mp4
    15.1 Detailed Armor mapping-Arm.mp4
    15.2 Detailed Armor mapping-Waist.mp4
    15.3 Detailed Armor mapping- Body.mp4
    15.4 Detailed Armor mapping-Leg.mp4
    15.5 Detailed Weapons mapping Part 1.mp4
    15.6 Detailed Weapons mapping Part 2.mp4
    15.7 Detailed Sword mapping Part 1.mp4
    15.8 Detailed Sword mapping Part 2.mp4
    16.1 Detailed Face mapping Part 1.mp4
    16.2 Detailed Face mapping Part 2.mp4
    16.3 Detailed Hair mapping Part 1.mp4
    16.4 Detailed Hair mapping Part 2.mp4
    17.1 Correcting after mapping Part 1.mp4
    17.2 Correcting after mapping Part 2.mp4
    18 UV editing for Modifying and adding mapping.mp4
    19 Final inspection and theorem.mp4
    2. Character analysis.mp4
    20.1 Using the Bipad and Pose Setting.mp4
    20.2 Pose Setting Part 1.mp4
    20.3 Pose Setting Part 2.mp4
    20.4 Pose Setting Part 3.mp4
    21.1 Rendering at 3ds Max Part 1.mp4
    21.2 Rendering at 3ds Max Part 2.mp4
    3.1 Base body Modeling Part 1.mp4
    3.2 Base body Modelina Part.mp4
    4.1 Face and Hair Modeling Part 1.mp4
    4.2 Face and Hair Modeling Part 2.mp4
    4.3 Face and Hair Modeling Part 3.mp4
    5.2 Armor and Weapons Modeling Part 2.mp4
    6.1 Character and Weapon Unwarp UVW Part 1.mp4
    6.2 Character and Weapon Unwarp UVW Part 2.mp4
    7 Initial Approach to Mapping.mp4
    8.1 Use the BodyPainter and Apply Basic Colors Part 1.mp4
    8.2 Use the BodyPainter and Apply Basic Colors Part 2.mp4
    9.1 Mapping for a base mass Part 1.mp4
    9.2 Mapping for a base mass Part 2.mp4
    9.3 Mapping for a base mass Part 3.mp4
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